It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

~Happy Fable Valentines~

Well if you know anything about me or my wife you would know we are big Fable fans. Fable is an action role-playing video game that for us came to the Xbox and now Xbox 360 over the past few years. For of the best games made to day. When the Fable II came out I even got a Xbox 306. It wes a very big buy however all of it I would do over again for any of the Fable games. I am told here is a new fable coming out however I am not looking forward to it as it's for Xbox 360 Connect only. I thinks is will kill the game. But I will post more about it later. Happy Fable Valentines! Here is a quick poor job of photo editing I did for Debbie today.
In His Grip,
- Pastor J