It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Sorry for the delay in blog post... However It's nee a very busy few weeks. From not having power a few days and storms to working more hours and trying to do 4 things at once. I will be sure to sit down over the next few days and give some updates as well as start back with my write ups. I have a great new book I am currently read and will do a review soon on that as well. 

In His Grip,

Pastor J 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

~Happy 4th of July~

"But you are a chosen generation, 
a royal priesthood, 
a holy nation
His own special people... 
who once were not a people but are now the people of God...." 
                     -1 Peter 2:9,10

On the 4th of July

Independence Day, 
folks used to celebrate in their own special way. 
It’s not the same now, 
there’s no joy or great pride as Old Glory is carried to honor who died.
Have we forgotten how America began
giving freedom and spirit to every man? 
Our forefathers risked all that they had even their lives were threatened called bad. 
But they forged ahead fighting King-rule 
Great Britain they’d left to be nobody’s fool. 
A revolution incurred against taxes they spurned 
because King George the 3rd wanting all that they earned. 
God was their guide in plans that they struck  
Their goals not entrusted to their egos, or luck. 
They fought to be FREE, keep America strong. 
Now tell me, dear Liberal, was that oh, so wrong? 
How can we forget what those settlers gave; “Land of the Free” 
“Home of the Brave?” It’s not a cliché, It’s not just by chance, not to be wasted, 
but to honor enhance. So, open your eyes don’t take for granted lives that were lost, or seeds that were planted. 
We all benefit from the future it brings, 
when we remember our past, and let Liberty ring.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Andy Griffith (1926-2012)

The loved Andy Griffith passed away today. He is left by many fans and family. I was even a fan of his show called "Andy Griffith" I can hear the theme song over and over in my head. Andy was 86 years old. Family and close friends state Andy was a born-again Christian and was active in his church. He will be missed by many.

 "When a man carries a gun all the time, the respect he thinks he's getting might really be fear. So I don't carry a gun because I don't want the people of Mayberry to fear a gun. I'd rather they respect me." -Sheriff Andy Taylor (played by actor Andy Griffith)

-Pastor Jonathan

Monday, July 2, 2012

~No Power~

Sunday night we where left in the dark as the storms came blowing our way. It was the first time living here the lights went off and stayed over for more then an hour or so. We light the candles and prayed we would not be blown away. The kids woke up and we all snuggled in the den until the worst was over. Kids back to bed and we opened up windows to get some much needed air in. Thankfully we had a little bit of wind. After a bad night rolling and rolling in bed not sleeping much we woke up to pack our bag to head to a place of power, AC and running water. We returned home a day and half later to a house with power again. We where thankful we had a safe place to go. Over all it was nice to be able to get away for a day out of the city. However we had no phones and no internet but that was okay we were enjoying being with each other. It was great to be home again safe and sound and God reminded us how blessed we are to have the things we do. He not only kept us safe from the storms but sent us a blessing after. We returned home to find all our food in the house went bad. Debbie went shopping the afternoon before the storm so we had everything packed ready for the next few weeks. It's was sad  to have to trash all the melted and wasted stuff. But God has provide a check for us to replace all the food and things we need to restore what we lost. God is good even in the storm. Even in the storms can we learn to lean on Christ!

In His Grip,
Pastor J