It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


(A post from my Xanga Page Dated: September 26, 2005)

There are many reasons why God would not want you, but don't worry. You're in good company!

- Moses stuttered.
-- David's armor didn't fit.
--- John Mark was rejected by Paul.
---- Hosea's wife was a prostitute.
----- Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
------ Jacob was a liar.
------- David had an affair.
-------- Solomon was too rich.
--------- Abraham was too old.
---------- David was too young.
----------- Timothy had ulcers.
------------ Peter was afraid of death.
------------- Lazarus was dead.
-------------- John was self-righteous.
--------------- Jesus was too poor.
-------------- Naomi was a widow.
------------- Paul was a murderer. So was Moses.
------------ Jonah ran from God.
----------- Miriam was a gossip.
---------- Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
--------- Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.
-------- Elijah was burned out.
------- John the Baptist was a loudmouth.
------ Martha was a worrywart.
----- Mary was lazy.
---- Samson had long hair.
--- Noah got drunk.
-- Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse?
- So did Peter, Paul--well, lots of folks did.
But God doesn't require a job interview. He doesn't hire and fire like most bosses, because He's more our Dad than our boss. He doesn't look at financial gain or loss. He's neither prejudiced nor partial, judging, grudging, sassy, nor brassy, not deaf to our cry, nor blind to our need.

Satan says, "You're not worthy."

Jesus says, "So what? I AM."

Satan looks back and sees our mistakes. God looks back and sees the Cross.

Sure--there are lots of reasons why God shouldn't want us. But if we are in love with Him, if we hunger for Him more than our next breath, He'll use us in spite of who we are, where we've been, or what we look like.

Let this Bless you this week,

In His Grip,


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Too Funny to pass up!

Here is a real call log I heard about a few months back. It's very long but very funny if you read that whole thing. It is a true call taken place by a 17 year old.

Lawyer: Good afternoon Blackson Law Firm, how can I help you today?

Guy: Yes I need a Lawyer.

Lawyer: Okay Sir how can I help you?

Guy: Well I was in injured in an accident.

Lawyer: Okay you were injured in an auto accident?

Guys: Yes a nice SUV I just upgraded to. It was a mess. I lost all my points and everything it. So what can you guys do for me... I saw your ad on a TVand it said "one call thats all".

Lawyer: yes sir what I can do is set you up for a meeting for come into our office for free... I just need to ask you a few questions.

Guy: Sure

Lawyer: were you the driver?

Guy: yes and I was speeding

Lawyer: what was the date of the accident?

Guy: it happened two days ago.

Lawyer: what city and state did it happen in?

Guy: well it happened in LA but I am from New York, It's hard to explain. But I was driving around and yeah... I don't know what to say.

Lawyer: how many vehicles were involved in the accident?

Guy: Six

Lawyer: was a business or commercial vehicle involved?

Guy: a Mailman's car got hit a little.

Lawyer: Okay I am so sorry to hear that sir.

Guy: that is okay he made it out alive... I was the only one who was injured.

Lawyer: what were your injures?

Guy: I broke my toe, I had my legs crossed and when I hit the brakes I broke it. and I woke up with a rash but I don't know if that was from the accident.

Lawyer: did you have to get treatment or taken to the hospital?

Guy: Yes, I had to go to the hospital, they didn't think I was going to come our alive.

Lawyer: with a broking toe and a rash?

Guy: yeah and a hurt arm.

Lawyer: oh okay.....

Guy: it's not good at all

Lawyer: where you taken to the hospital by Emergency vehicle or EMS?
Guy: No I had to walk.

Lawyer: Sir you had to walk with a hurt arm, a rash and broke toe?

Guy: yes I did but it was only a few blocks over.

Lawyer: who was at fault for the accident?

Guy: I was, But I did have a few drinks before I went driving.

Lawyer: Did the Police come to the accident?

Guy: Yes

Lawyer: you didn't go to jail? for DUI or six cars being involved and a mailman being hit.

Guy: the mailman's car got hit not the person. and No the time the police got there I was at the hospital. So they don't really know it was me.

Lawyer: Did the police give anyone a ticket or warning?

Guy: I don't know, I was not there. I didn't go back, I didn't even get my car.

Lawyer: Okay did you have Auto insurance?

Guy: No

Lawyer: did anyone else there have Auto Insurance?

Guy: I don't know I just left.

Lawyer: did you miss work due to your injures?

Guy: I am a Student

Lawyer: do you have a lawyer helping with you with this?

Guy: No that is why I am calling you guys.

Lawyer: Okay now I need to get your contact info to set up a office meeting, okay?

Guy: Okay, I am just really mad because I lost all my points on Xbox 360 Live and I just need to get them all back you know....

Lawyer: Sir.....

Guy: Yeah, Man I was about to get a high score too now they are all gone.

Lawyer: So.... This accident happen on the Xbox 360 game?

Guy: Yes it was a video game accident.

Lawyer: ......Ohhhh.......Ok.....well sir we can't take your case.

Guy: well it was not my fault... we really do have a case... we can sue LittleMan223 for all his xbox points.

Lawyer: ..... yeah......*Click*

Guy: Hello?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall shows up this morning!

This morning I went outside and felt the nice cool air. I think I could even see a leaf turning colors... Okay maybe that's a bit much but the trees will be turning soon if these temps keep up. We had a long 117 days of 90 degrees and above (more like 95 to 100) record. Debbie and I went into a store this afternoon and it even smelled like Thanksgiving. I am so ready to cut pumpkins and bake a turkey.... YAY it's coming soon... maybe I can put up my Christmas tree. I guess I can wait a few more months, but for now I will enjoy this fall air. Debbie came home and made pumpkin bread and boy where they good. I fell in love!! Now I have to stop eating it or I am going to gain 100 pounds. In other news Gods is good as He always is. We always say things happen in His timing and boy is that ever true even I would have to say he showed up on the last day of the month... However I guess all that matters is He DID show up! With meetings done last night and one this morning and one on the books for next week, one sale made and 3 more we are in hopes and prayer for, This weekend and week has turned out to be great. Now with Baby Rogers #2 growing and Emily learning more words each day and works is starting to look like it might fly life is getting better... Even in the mist of the storm. But we can see a peck of hope and light. In other news. The cows are out and the dogs are at home on the Farm.... LOL I will have to tell the stories of the dogs and cows are a later time. But now is the time to spend with the family and a movie.
In His Grip,