It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

~Resignation Letter Given~

Here is a copy of my resignation letter to Pineora:
Given Sunday January 8th 2012

Dear Church Family,

“The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord.” Every time I read this passage from Psalm 37:23 I’m reminded that my life is not my own. I belong to God. Debra and the children belong to God as well. We’ve committed both our individual lives and our marriage to His calling and purpose. We’ve resolved to travel together down the path that He has set before us as a family. We’ve entrusted our steps to Him.

It was God’s leading that brought us to Pineora in June of 2011. It was His plan for us to lead in the Student Ministry of Pineora. He gave us a passion for the students and over the last few months we’ve developed a love for each and every one of them. The blessings of God have been abundant and you have made this journey wonderful. I’m convinced that our days here have been ordained by the Lord in the short time we have been ministering with you.

After many weeks of prayer and Godly counsel Debbie and I are convinced that God is asking us to travel down a new path, a path that will lead us away from Pineora. This decision is a difficult one we’ve had to make however I feel it is best to part our ways.

In our hearts we never thought this day would come. I guess that’s why God has reminded us lately of Proverbs 16:9. “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” We’ve served here with the mindset that we would be here for many years. However, the Lord has been stirring our hearts and we can say with full certainty that our time here has come to an end.

Today, January 8, 2012, I am officially resigning as your Pastor of Student Ministries with the full intent to provide transitional leadership for the next few weeks. Our last Sunday will be January 22, 2012.

God directs our steps and promises not to leave us nor forsake us. I’m confident that if God is leading us on to something new and wonderful then the same is true for all of Pineora. God will not take from one at the expense of another. If God is preparing to bless Debbie and I with a new work and ministry then He’s preparing to bless Pineora with a new Student Pastor. We really believe that your best days are yet ahead..

Respectfully submitted with love for all you.
In His Grip,

Rev. Jonathan D. Rogers

Now As we end that chapter in life we start a new chapter in life and I am over joyed by what he is going to do.
As Always In His Grip,
Pastor J