It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

~A Sunday Drive~

Today was a fine day. Starting off with church then lunch with family and friends and then ending the day with going out to eat and then taking a Sunday drive around Anderson and up to the home of the Tigers Clemson University. We went by the outdoor lab, one to drop off one of our girls for camp this week and then to walk around and see what a great place it really was. Got to meet the head person and hear stories and tails of the camp and life and then off we went to the main campus of Clemson to see all the neat places. I have to say with a guided tour as we had by Dr. Pidgeon him self it sure was a nice Sunday drive in the foot hills of South Carolina. In a lot of ways it made me think of our farm in Ga with the shade of the trees and the sounds of the birds and frogs within the deep of the water banks. It was rally a great time of followship and fun spending with family and friends on our Sunday Drive!