What a busy week it has been. Most of my week was dealing with computers being down, changing things around, changing phones and fixing my head lights in my Dodge. One of the headlights on the new car went out this week and I found out today it is going to cost me a arm and leg to have the dealer install it. Sadly I am unable to as it's some light you can't buy. Whats with these new cars now-a-days. Sounds like to me they are making it that way so you have to take it in and pay for the labor that only took 5 mins to do but say it take 3 hours to do. It's all crazy! Oh well things will work out I am so thankful I am able to have today and Saturday off... It's a rare weekend to be able to have off and get to enjoy my time home and with family. So to kick off my 3 day weekend I am making me some of my deep southern boiled peanuts. It's been forever from the last time I got to make them and there was a fresh crop of peanuts that came in today so I had to jump to it and grab about 5 pounds. I can't wait to eat them after many hours of waiting. May people always ask me what I do to make them so good and really nothing more then any other person from the south would do. I only use water and salt to my liking however the trick is I boil mine much longer then most with at least 10 plus hours. May people are shocked it takes me that long however in the end it's what keeps people coming back for more! :) When I am 70 years old I hope I am still around making my boiled peanuts like those guys do on the side of the road you some times see here in the south. Yeah I know it's not this big shocking goal to have in life however someone has to do it and why not enjoy what you like to do besides maybe then I will be a millenaire and be able to have a gold boiling pot. HAHA...Happy Friday and may the Lord be your light in all you do.
In His Grip,
-Pastor J
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!