It's been a while however I was ask the other day to do some more book reviews and due to the fact I am working with books most of the week I think I will have to trow a book review or too out there for everyone. I will try to give one a few times a month or so. You might have to keep me in check to stay on top of it. Plus I guess this means I need to step up my reading to at faster pace.
I want to talk a little about Tony Evans book "Kingdom Man". Dr. Evans has brought to market a book that combines a strong Biblical basis for what a Kingdom Man, or devout follower of Christ should look like. If you relate to sports, and stories of a well connected and experienced Pastor you will love this book. I for one am not a sports fan but find it to be a understandable book for anyone. This book can be broken down in three basic parts that are designed to take a man from pew sitting passivity to an alert battle hardened man of victory.
Part 1: The Formation of a Kingdom Man
The author quickly jumps into diagnosing the problem and offers many helpful statistics that bring a sense of urgency to the reader. However, these stats are nothing new. We have known about this problem for decades. Perhaps we have forgotten. Perhaps we continue to ignore the true problem. Either way, Dr. Evans does not camp on these he moves quickly to solutions. His solutions prove to be an entertaining romp into Biblical context, however, little was offered in the way of substantial revelations. Obviously, Dr. Evans concludes that the problem is men. Our passivity and unwillingness to engage the world in the love of Christ. The solution is God through willing men who will stand up and do something. Men who understand that they are a leader. Like it or not, accepting our God-given role is the Biblical call to Headship.
Part 2: The Foundations of a Kingdom Man
Dr. Evans offers a clear and compelling Biblical blueprint to man’s calling and authorization to rule and reign with Christ. While this book is compelling, it offers more of the same ideas shared from every corner of the men’s ministry world. Do not get me wrong Dr. Evans offers a new, clear voice on the subject but in this day most yearn for a leader who will take things a step further and answer the question of why? Why are most men sitting stagnate in a church pew – unwilling or unable to connect with God and lead others in a battle to free the captives? Answer this question, and I believe we have the makings of a great book.
Part 3: The Function of a Kingdom Man (Psalm 128)
This, for me, is the most engaging part of the book. Dr. Evans breaks down psalm 128 and overlays it with ideas to proper Kingdom Man living. His categories for this breakdown include a man’s personal life, family life, church life and community life. This was decent,however, it was missing something. Personally, I am never convined that the psalms or scriptures were given to us so that we may obtain a formula to follow. Yet, time and time again we go there. The problem for me is we overlay our perspective with Truth and attempt to make our perspective Truth. There were several ideas that Dr. Evans shared that I understood but believe fell a bit short of Truth. However, do not let that discourage you from reading this book. It is a Hurrah kind of men’s ministry book that will shake the dust off a few seats. As a whole I wish that someone would spend more time addressing the problems with the pews. Maybe they are too comfortable.
Dr. Evans has a clear and resounding voice. "Kingdom Man" is a fresh voice into a tired topic. Don’t expect to be awed by a new revelation of purpose. However, expect to be motivated to do more at church to advance the Kingdom of God.
In His Grip,
-Pastor J