So we kick off 40 Days In The Word today at church. With great worship, a great word and ended the morning with a campus-wide lunch all to prepare our hearts for what God is going to do in the next 40 days. Week one will start next Sunday and will go on for 40 days of Prayer, Fellowship, Worship, Fasting, Getting into the word and even coming Face to Face with God's Greatness. I can't wait to see what God says during this time of going deep. In other news I am just blown away by how much networking God is doing in my new place of ministry. It's seems I can't even walk into Wal-Mart anymore without being stopped by one of my customers or ministry partners. I have even been blessed to meet some great people who I now attend church with on Sundays that I have met during the week over the past few weeks at work. I do have to say I am very blessed by God for all the things He has given me. Well as it's Sunday and the kick off to 40 days I have to leave you with a song. Here is a song from Passion 2012 many of us have all heard this song many times in church, on the radio however only at passion this year did they take it to the next step and like always once again blow it out the water with Power only the Holy Spirit could give. What a great reminder in this soug that His love is for us all...for all People, Listen to 40,000 People of God Sing with hearts lifted!
In His Grip
Pastor J