I had a great drive today to heading to a meeting in Evans,GA today. It was a great time to spend with God just me, myself and the Holy God for a whole two hours spending thinking, in prayer and giving thanks for all He has done over the past year. With all the things that has gone on over the past few weeks and being hurt by people and dealing with the stress of it all it was great to get my eye on Christ and get a refreashing start to this new chapter in my life. The meeting I had to go to went great and I did the mission at hand. That I am thankful for. It was also a great ride back. I got to enjoy starting my new audio book by Perry Stone, Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree. Just the part I heard I was blown away at the great detail he goes into his book. I am ready liking it and even wished I had more miles to go so I could listen to it more. However I was running out of gas so was not able to go any more. But I will listen to more later in the morning and even some tonight before bed. Anyway What a great day and it ended a great day with a great time tonight at Church, Debbie had a great time at small group and Emily had a blast! I am so glade we found a loving church to be a part of at this time in our lives.
Feelng loved but Christ,
IN His Grip,
Pastor J