Today I am reminded that people will fail you and it's sad but even churches will fail you too. In Romans it's written "...As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. In Romans 12 the bible says "...Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” I am thankful for a loving God but I am also thankful for a just God. It's hard to see ones say they love you and care for you then brake every part of your heart and look you in the face with a smile that is so fake. Today I learned even the church will fail you but God love still stands. It's the one thing that remains! Today I look past the hurt and keep my eyes on what matter in life and that is Christ! All I can do is Pray and Pray that they find the true love of God. The day is near and the time is short and when that time comes it will be late. Praise the Lord! I am set free from brokenss and set free from this world!! One of the best books written today is called Faking Church here is what they say about it. "Open the door to any church in America and you'll find once-enthusiastic Christians just going through the motions. Some have even abandoned the Body. Dan Schaeffer diagnoses this spiritual defection as a subtle heart issue: If our primary motivation for Christian service has become approval from others, we're on the road to faking church. Schaeffer deftly explores the common traps that seduce believers into becoming spiritual fakes and prescribes ways to adjust our fellowship and our lives so that the Holy Spirit can create in us a genuine servant's heart. Timely and provocative, Faking Church has the power to transform the Body. Get real with God by cutting through soul-destroying distortions, and choose to serve for His approval only. This book can change you." and Yes this book can change you and I pray it will reach many people who are just going through the motions. One of the key things this book highlights is It's all a heart issue! and I have to say Dan Schaeffer hit it on the nail when saying it all starts in the heart.
In His Grip,
Pastor J