As a pastor I have always been one to watch and notice the actions of people and how the spirit moves on people at services during worship, Over the years I have become aware that many refused to let God do what He wants in their lives because they feared what that would mean.
I realize this by itself is not a huge, earth-shattering revelation. We have all feared what God would ask of us and that we would either come up short or have to give up something we were not willing to let go of (maybe a pet sin, immorality, personality trait, etc.).
Something just hit me again as I thought about this though, and the only way to kill a lie is with the living truth.
God’s way is healing!
God’s way is goodness!
God’s way is wholeness!
God’s way is peace…
We think we have to maintain that selfishness so that we can protect ourselves from being hurt while our Father calls to us to lay down the defenses and let Him bind your broken heart.We think we have to keep it all together, be the strongest, and keep hiding when God is wanting us to be vulnerable (not sure of the spelling) so that we can be liberated from the pain that engulfed us. We think we need that validation from someone of the opposite sex even though it threatens intimacy with our own spouse while God desires for us to find our identity as a child in His Kingdom. However, the LORD longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. "For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him." –Isaiah 30:18
Our deep thoughts and pursuits seem right but end in death. (Remember the sermon set I preached on called "Soundtrack"?!?) His wisdom and love lead us to life. I know I’ve been as guilty as anyone, but really why are we fighting Him? God is good and His ways are good. It makes me cry out all the more, “have your way, Lord!” I don’t say it as everything falls apart and I have no options left because I feared what He would require of me. I say it with a heart filled with praise for the Father who loves me beyond my frailties and brokenness and desires to bring restoration to every part of me. What do you think? Have you ever had trouble honestly saying, “Lord, have your way”? Do you need to say it today to Him?
Just something to think about as you go about your day, Be Blessed!
In His Grip,
-Pastor J