The Southern Baptist have a historic year as they vote in Dr. Fred Luter as the first black SBC president today. I think it's one of the best things they have done for years. This past weekend I was able to be apart of the streaming Pastors Conference and boy what a great conference I have been to in the Southern Baptist. I think Dr Fred is a little firecracker and God will use him to wake up the SBC. It's overly needed and I pray that change everyone has been shouting about happens for them. If not this will be the end of the SBC as we know it. And I am not sure if thats a good thing or not. Praise God you don't have to be a Southern Baptist to get to heaven. :)
The line up of pastors and speakers where great. One highlight I enjoyed was Dr. Hoskins sermon. He preached on the Holy Spirit something that the churches and the pastors there so needed to hear. I think Dr. Hoskins is a underground Bapicostal.
One person I was shocked at hearing for the first time was David Platt. I have read his books and have enjoyed reading his heart on paper however I didn't feel his gift was speaking to the public. I about feel sleep a few times. But don't get me wrong his books are great and I would tell anyone pick them up. Another great highlight for me was James MacDonald for many reason however he is one of the best pastors and preachers I have heard. I have done many of his studies and hear him weekly on his radio broadcast he airs. His words are like nails that go straight to the heart and God has done a great work in his life. What a honor it is to always get to hear him minister. Over all I have to admit that was a powerful Pastor's Conference I think one of the best I have ever seen and I am shocked by some of the changes the SBC is willing to embrace. I pray these changes will create a new awaking among the southern baptist and they get to experience the Holy Spirit in a new way!
In His Grip,
-Pastor J
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!