Sunday night we where left in the dark as the storms came blowing our way. It was the first time living here the lights went off and stayed over for more then an hour or so. We light the candles and prayed we would not be blown away. The kids woke up and we all snuggled in the den until the worst was over. Kids back to bed and we opened up windows to get some much needed air in. Thankfully we had a little bit of wind. After a bad night rolling and rolling in bed not sleeping much we woke up to pack our bag to head to a place of power, AC and running water. We returned home a day and half later to a house with power again. We where thankful we had a safe place to go. Over all it was nice to be able to get away for a day out of the city. However we had no phones and no internet but that was okay we were enjoying being with each other. It was great to be home again safe and sound and God reminded us how blessed we are to have the things we do. He not only kept us safe from the storms but sent us a blessing after. We returned home to find all our food in the house went bad. Debbie went shopping the afternoon before the storm so we had everything packed ready for the next few weeks. It's was sad to have to trash all the melted and wasted stuff. But God has provide a check for us to replace all the food and things we need to restore what we lost. God is good even in the storm. Even in the storms can we learn to lean on Christ!
In His Grip,
Pastor J
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!