It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

~Happy 4th of July~

"But you are a chosen generation, 
a royal priesthood, 
a holy nation
His own special people... 
who once were not a people but are now the people of God...." 
                     -1 Peter 2:9,10

On the 4th of July

Independence Day, 
folks used to celebrate in their own special way. 
It’s not the same now, 
there’s no joy or great pride as Old Glory is carried to honor who died.
Have we forgotten how America began
giving freedom and spirit to every man? 
Our forefathers risked all that they had even their lives were threatened called bad. 
But they forged ahead fighting King-rule 
Great Britain they’d left to be nobody’s fool. 
A revolution incurred against taxes they spurned 
because King George the 3rd wanting all that they earned. 
God was their guide in plans that they struck  
Their goals not entrusted to their egos, or luck. 
They fought to be FREE, keep America strong. 
Now tell me, dear Liberal, was that oh, so wrong? 
How can we forget what those settlers gave; “Land of the Free” 
“Home of the Brave?” It’s not a cliché, It’s not just by chance, not to be wasted, 
but to honor enhance. So, open your eyes don’t take for granted lives that were lost, or seeds that were planted. 
We all benefit from the future it brings, 
when we remember our past, and let Liberty ring.