So, the question on everyones mind is "whats up?" Over the past few weeks and even last two months God has gave me a vision of something new, change, hope and life to come. I was set in giving God two years for this change but as you may know God timing is never our own. In the past few weeks we have been praying and seeking Gods calling for what is to come in the lives of The Rogers. God said now was the time. So as of this week after much needed prayer we have given our notice at Calvary Home for Children. We will not just be ending our time here but starting a new part in our lives. We will be heading to a town of only about 6,000 people. A town known as "Bird Dog Capital of the World". Nice yet small town of Waynesboro, Georgia. I will be a teaching in Burke County and working on our farm part time when not working at the school. I have always had a passion to teach and have always enjoyed it in the past when I worked with a few schools in South Carolina and as well as in the church setting. Debbie at this point we are unsure of what God's plan is for her. But God is good and will lead her in the right place in time. In a lot ways we feel that God has open many doors for us both over the pass few weeks and we have step through. That was the easy part. Now the hard part. At lunch today we went ahead and told the kids about Debbie and I's move. It was hard to see hearts broken after telling the children. Mostly for me our oldest boy who we have been with from the beginning of our time here at Calvary. Seeing his tears hit the lunch table was as it was knifes hitting me in the heart. It was a time of pain but it too was fulled with joy in that God will Bless the broken. So I leave todays post as it is. What will happen now, who will step in as the new Mom and Dad, what will happen to all the children, I don't know. But I do know God have great plans for Debbie and I.
In His Grip,

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived what God has
prepared for those who love him.”
1 Cor 2:9