Emilys 1st Sunday at church was a great one. She made it to about two worship songs and then passed out. Mommy wanted to hold her the whole time and I think she was a big hit for all the members and the Pastor. Today Emily seemed to smile
alot all during the day. We had Philip and Lucy there along with our two kids. At this point there are only 3 kids and t

he youngest we ask if they could keep her in the small kids church
untill next week and due to the fact it was
Emily's 1st week to church. The worship was not that bad today but could of been better. I have notice the past few
Sundays they have had someone new working sound and it seems to show. I do have to say however that the sermon was not the best. Speaking of Sermon I worked on some in my Pastors book (my book that I keep my sermons and talks in from the past) it was funny I came to one I did at one of the churches I was at and it talked about one of my past G/F. It was funny seeing back then how things where and now how life was dealt. I can say with out a
doubt I am glade I am where I am now with a beautiful baby girl and the greatest wife. I am starting to get sick again with the food we are eating I am so tired of the same old stuff over and over again. Debbie and the kids are too. I think debbie is going to start a way to cook the cats if we don't get more food in the next few days. We where to have new stuff this week but they so didn't go shopping this week like they said they were. Oh well life will go on at least for now...
In His Grip,