Okay So once again I have been sick for the past few days. This morning due to me passing some blood when I went to the bathroom (SORRY for TMI), I ended up spending most of my day at the Hospital. After hours of waiting, then having the Doctor do things I never wish to have done again then said things are okay and to just go home. So I am 100% sure it is time to leave and move on to better things. Stress is killing me and things have not gotten better over the past year. I am so ready to move, eat better and play tennis, ride my bike again and other things that keep my living. Anyway I came across this picture today online and after looking at it. It is going to printed and framed on my wall as a reminder of what happens when Stress comes to live with you. It tells just about everything that I have dealt with over the past year and I find it a great picture. 
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!