Okey So today was a short day. Not much done and not much to talk about. I am so ready for our move. But parts of me are a little worried about what is to come. Debbie keeps reminding me we once moved from SC to TN with only $40 in the bank and everything work out fine. Well I can say we have more then just $40 for this move. But still not 100% sure of what all will happen for us. I guess we are really never sure of what is to come in life. But we have to put our trust in the Lord in all things. We are still praying that the Lord will lead Debbie in a good job that will give us what we need to live for each month, as most of you know teaching is not the best when it comes to pay and other places of income is needed. But again God is good.

But anyway Debbie tells us she is going to make soup for dinner to night (Yuk....) Okey you are so not reading this but as you may know the campus is buying all our food now and it is junk food. I think some people would be shock at the kinda crap they are feeding the kids here.So as I HATE soup I tried to find something else to make. Alright lets just say that my "something" was just that "something". So after trashing the most sick food I have ever had besides the "Choc-Mac-Ches"I once made a few years ago. (That's a long story) . I tried Debbie's soup. Well...Ok I liked it. Yeah I liked it a lot so sue me. The kids seemed to like it too. So yeah maybe soup is not that bad. But I am not saying I love soup, just maybe Debbie's.
In His Grip,