Well I can't say that the "Last Post" at Calvary is the best. Once again Calvary seems to have done it again. So we are to be spending our last night with the all the kids and Philip and Lucy. As it is Philips and one of the boys birthdays today and our last night with everyone. Have a little party and have time to say our good byes, WRONG!!! We spend it with some church we don't know who we will have to be all smiles about Calvary Home and Thank them for money we never even see. But again this is how Calvary Home works. Their communication sucks! But the great news is it is the last time we have to "fake it" and put on a show. In other news Debbie has started WeightWatchers and seems to be enjoying it. I can't wait till I get to go back on it come this next week. The 1st thing we will be doing once we get to the farm is shopping. And yes there will be no buying of hotdogs and crap like that. YAYA!!! All our stuff is in boxes or bags and we are really to load the Uhaul truck 1st thing in the morning. Now the thing that gets me is I ordered for this truck last week and Uhaul tells me I won't know where to pick up the truck or know the time to pick up until today. So sitting in church this morning I get a call from them saying I can pick up my truck at 11:00 AM in Anderson. Well where I am to pick is fine but 11:00 AM is not okay with me. So after leaving church and spending an hour on the phone talking with 3 different people, I hope I can get it at 9:00AM. I never really got a 100% feeling that they understood me. Lets prayer and hope for the best!?! Oh well, As I am not going to be getting much of a nap today I must go rest before this church gets here.
Like always,
In His Grip,
Check out this vimeo I found today, it is really funny:
Yoda Groups from Fusion Church on Vimeo.
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
~Website Updated~

Barefoot Community Church (in North Myrtle Beach, SC!) has created quite a buzz with their current series "Exposed Pastor." The premise is that the pastor and his family have agreed to live their lives before cameras for over approximately 15 hours daily to share the authenticity of the Christian life with those who don't know Christ. I spent some time in there my self and found it to be a neat project. Check it out! After spending time talking with both the Clay and his wife they seem to a great family. Like everyone else, I think that is the main point is that they are just that, just like everyone else. The hour spent watching them was main just in there car as they were going home from there meeting.
In other news today, I got my ministry website back up. It has been down for some time but I opened it back up and updated it. check it out and be sure to sign the guest book. I will try to keep the site updated this time. I am kinda bad about that.
In His Grip,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
~Stress Kills~
Okay So once again I have been sick for the past few days. This morning due to me passing some blood when I went to the bathroom (SORRY for TMI), I ended up spending most of my day at the Hospital. After hours of waiting, then having the Doctor do things I never wish to have done again then said things are okay and to just go home. So I am 100% sure it is time to leave and move on to better things. Stress is killing me and things have not gotten better over the past year. I am so ready to move, eat better and play tennis, ride my bike again and other things that keep my living. Anyway I came across this picture today online and after looking at it. It is going to printed and framed on my wall as a reminder of what happens when Stress comes to live with you. It tells just about everything that I have dealt with over the past year and I find it a great picture. 
Friday, August 15, 2008
Okey So today was a short day. Not much done and not much to talk about. I am so ready for our move. But parts of me are a little worried about what is to come. Debbie keeps reminding me we once moved from SC to TN with only $40 in the bank and everything work out fine. Well I can say we have more then just $40 for this move. But still not 100% sure of what all will happen for us. I guess we are really never sure of what is to come in life. But we have to put our trust in the Lord in all things. We are still praying that the Lord will lead Debbie in a good job that will give us what we need to live for each month, as most of you know teaching is not the best when it comes to pay and other places of income is needed. But again God is good.
But anyway Debbie tells us she is going to make soup for dinner to night (Yuk....) Okey you are so not reading this but as you may know the campus is buying all our food now and it is junk food. I think some people would be shock at the kinda crap they are feeding the kids here.So as I HATE soup I tried to find something else to make. Alright lets just say that my "something" was just that "something". So after trashing the most sick food I have ever had besides the "Choc-Mac-Ches"I once made a few years ago. (That's a long story) . I tried Debbie's soup. Well...Ok I liked it. Yeah I liked it a lot so sue me. The kids seemed to like it too. So yeah maybe soup is not that bad. But I am not saying I love soup, just maybe Debbie's.
In His Grip,

In His Grip,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What's Harder?
So, the question on everyones mind is "whats up?" Over the past few weeks and even last two months God has gave me a vision of something new, change, hope and life to come. I was set in giving God two years for this change but as you may know God timing is never our own. In the past few weeks we have been praying and seeking Gods calling for what is to come in the lives of The Rogers. God said now was the time. So as of this week after much needed prayer we have given our notice at Calvary Home for Children. We will not just be ending our time here but starting a new part in our lives. We will be heading to a town of only about 6,000 people. A town known as "Bird Dog Capital of the World". Nice yet small town of Waynesboro, Georgia. I will be a teaching in Burke County and working on our farm part time when not working at the school. I have always had a passion to teach and have always enjoyed it in the past when I worked with a few schools in South Carolina and as well as in the church setting. Debbie at this point we are unsure of what God's plan is for her. But God is good and will lead her in the right place in time. In a lot ways we feel that God has open many doors for us both over the pass few weeks and we have step through. That was the easy part. Now the hard part. At lunch today we went ahead and told the kids about Debbie and I's move. It was hard to see hearts broken after telling the children. Mostly for me our oldest boy who we have been with from the beginning of our time here at Calvary. Seeing his tears hit the lunch table was as it was knifes hitting me in the heart. It was a time of pain but it too was fulled with joy in that God will Bless the broken. So I leave todays post as it is. What will happen now, who will step in as the new Mom and Dad, what will happen to all the children, I don't know. But I do know God have great plans for Debbie and I.
In His Grip,

In His Grip,

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived what God has
prepared for those who love him.”
1 Cor 2:9
no mind has conceived what God has
prepared for those who love him.”
1 Cor 2:9
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
~Link Over~
Here is a link to my other site what holds all my photos. I just updated last night with a get set of photos from a graden the kids and I went to see. I call it Garden of Grace! Check it out: http://southerncoffeephotos.blogspot.com/
Monday, August 4, 2008
~House of Crazz~
This is Emily's God Parents and Dear friends of ours home. Let me Shout the word "Home" and not house, this is a place they live, eat and sleep. It is not just a show house or something that they can come to for a weekend trip. I am not even sure if I could sleep there. But I have to say out of all the homes I have seen this one ranks top. When I tell people about their house being like a Museum. They always seem to doubt it. So I took pictures this time to show what great it really is. I did however take out a few of the Office/Study pictures. But I will be posting them a little later in the week and talking about it as it is my Dream Office/Study that I would one day love to have. It reminds me some something Indiana Jones would have. Anyway Enjoy the following Pictures: And A Big Thanks to the masters of the house or should I say museum. LOL
Sunday, August 3, 2008
~Welcome to Worship~

In His Grip,
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