Well today was day two of Debbie being sick. So like anyone would do when they are sick we went out and spent the day in the city. No really we did. We went to the bank then out the eat then back to the bank then to get gas and then to take a few hours at the coffee shop. It was nice to get some time out of the house. Emily and I don't get to get out much anymore due to not having a car to go anywhere and it is about 20 miles to town. Other then that it rained all day and was cold. Debbie is set to go back to work in the morning and I hopefully will get back on track. At least for the day. No telling what will happen this weekend as family may be coming in for a few days. Some days I wish we had our own house that we could call ours, I could plant anything, change anything and do what I wish with out asking anyone. But for now for free rent we will stay where we are till we get back on our feet and sadly a bit later.