Well we are back to a new week of work. Debbie is at it again but this time in a suit. Emily keeps rolling over, I think she is just going to roll everywhere instead of walk. I so could not get up this morning. I myself rolled over a few times, till Miss Emily had to wake me up with her smelly room. After cleaning Emily up and airing out her room I had to go for the Monday morning coffee. (Bless my wife for making it this morning.) Now after two cups I am ready to get on the ball and start doing something. Humm... I have a list of things that needs to get done. And the only thing that seems like any fun would be playing with Emily on the floor. Maybe we can see who can roll over the fastest. Well maybe not, I don't think she could pick me up off the floor. Plus I know she would win the rollover game. Last night was a night to put in the books of the "Deep Woods" of GA. Some guy in a pick up comes down the drive wanting to know if we have seen two cows. (Do cats count?) He says that he had two donkeys that ran after his cows. One even took a bite out of one cow's ear. After talking with him a short time and getting his phone number he left and I went on doing my yard work. (I think he had a little too much to drink) Once my work was done and it got dark I went in for a nice dinner Debbie made. One I think could work for my restaurant in the years to come. So after dinner we noticed car lights driving up in the driveway. Out step someone and they came to the door. I met the man in uniform. ( A GA State Trooper). He said that we had cows at the front of our driveway and wanted to know if they were some of our pets that got out. I told him about the man who came a few hours before him and gave him the number I got and he gave his thanks and said he would go back and babysit them till someone got there. SO the Cows are saved and all is well. It was just another night in the "Deep Woods" of GA.