Happy Thanksgiving to all and all a good night! Oh wait no that is Christmas. Oh well, Today was one filled with family stress but it seemed to be okay, at this point at least. The food was great and I eat like a horse. Now Debbie and I are ready to go back on our diets come Monday morning. The only down side to having Thanksgiving dinner at our house is we have to clean up after dinner. But for us we didn't get cleaning until after a two hour nap. And let's just say that was my highlight of the day! *wink ;) The one bad thing that really gets me this weekend is we went to the store last night and got back late and when we return our farm gate and is at the end of the driveway was gone and the chain was laying on the ground So If you have seen a 2 Red six foot farm gates please let us know. Our guess is that some high school teens stole it. At this point however we can't do much about it. But we do know it is the frist and last time we have a nice gate out front. Happy Thanksgiving! :)