I am thinking about starting a new training this week to become an Awana at Home Director. More test and studying... Blah! I am not sure what I am going to do with it or if I will ever use it. But after seeing my 24/7 ministry leaders jump on board with their BT training and becoming passionate about it, I need to uphold my role and find something to do as well. I asked a old friend of mind from Awana International who did my training years ago, whats the next step for me as I am already a commander and have been for a while now. This will be my 6 year working with the Awana program. It's been a few years from the time I was last able to use it.. over 5 years now so it's great to be able to reactivate myself again. And pick things back up after so many years. My friend requested I join Awana At Home leadership team. It's a new program to me as it's only been a round for a short time. (at least to me). I can't see where any of this will lead to but I took him up on his offer this week. So I start training in a few days....Praying something great will come of it. I guess time will tell. Well off to get more work done.
In His Grip,
In His Grip,
Pastor J
P.S. I have noticed that a few of my blog post don't post on the same day it was written... Oh well the world of PCs.