In other news I have really been amazed by what God is showing me as I redo my study in Acts this month. I have read this book many many times in the past and it seems God is opening up a whole new view I have not seen before. I will do a more detailed study post about it later. I had a old pastor friend of mine email this week some very kind words of encouragement for me and my current ministry here in Guyton. Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers as the Lord works in great ways here. Boy how I do miss some things from the past. But thankful I am where I am at. I came across a few items today while going through my ministry book. Mostly some past sermons written some for churches and some for college class. While looking back on them I shock myself wow could it be at one time I wrote that... Powerful stuff some of it and other stuff LoL wow how things in my heart and mind have changed. I view somethings different then I did before and somethings are the same. Oh how we change! But Hey as one of my college profs always said change is part of growing in the Lord!
In His Grip,
-Pastor J