One thing I love about blogger is you can post things and then set a time and date you want them to post later in the day or week. So I am setting this post to post during Debbie and I's flight. Hopefully we are not dead.... and if we are then I am in heaven having a party without you! LoL Anyway please pray for us as we are in the air, taking off, landing, the crew, the pilot (lets pray it's not my dad :o Just kidding I am trying to be funny here. LOL) And please pray for our stay in Co. and again for our return on Jan 25th. Pray we get through airport security with no problems. Pray Emily does well as this is her first time ever in a plane and that she does not have her daddy's fears. Pray the weather is nice and we even get to enjoy the snow while in Co. Also please pray for everyone's health on this trip that we all stay healthy and safe. Thanks so much!!!
Always In His Grip,