So it is a new year. and I guess it is time for me to update and put in a post. Currently life has been busy. Debbie and I went to Fl after Christmas to spend with family and well we got really sick... It was not very enjoyable. I was hoping we where going to get to go the the beach and spend some time in the pool and hot tub. I guess it was just not our week. Well it has only been a few days ago I fully felt like I got over it and I am up to about 95% again... I really need to get back on riding my bike again as I have taken some time off over the Christmas break and I am in big need of a good workout again. In other news It seems we have hit the stage where Emily wants to try to kill her self. From having eating cream, to falling down 4 brick steps, and fall out of the bath tub over on her head... She has been giving mommy and me the scare of a life time. The bad part is it has all taken place in 3 days in a row. Out prayer is she gets out of the stage fast and we don't have to end up in the ER with her. Please pray for her to stay safe and that mommy and daddy's hearts don't blow up after all the stress she is putting us through. Talking about stress life has become very stressful over the past week. I don't know if it is just a bad spirit of stress or not but it is draining. I am glad however to be off and enjoying a nice break. Lets just pray I won't get sick. Work is going..... we have lost one of our girls as her case worker has moved her to another Home. due to some spacing issues. it's sad but feel it could be a good move as she will be with brothers and sisters once again... I can't be too said about the whole thing as the Home she was moved to is very dear to Debbie and I's hearts and we support strongly. But that is about for work stuff.... Did I say I was glad to be off :)
In other news... Well with the new year I have been seeing and hearing about all the new year's resolutions. It is funny how so many people make all these goals and stuff and it seems to be over by the end of the month.... It will be fun to see how long these goals will last. I for one am not setting a new year's resolution. I am however going to continue my health journey, one I have start months again... for more info about this journey check out Debbie and I's website at: "The Journey"
Well hopeful I will blog/post more that I get a little more free time in my day.
In His Grip,