Many People forget what the real reason Christ came to this earth... We focus so much on Christmas trees, gifts, Santa, what to eat and how to show off our houses with Christmas lights. Even within the church, I do enjoy all the church plays and skits they do at this time of year and think they are really fun to watch some even do a really great job, but what so many lack is the true meaning of Christmas. Some people wait until Easter to show the whole story of Christ. But I think it is so important to share, so important not to miss.
I was once again reminded of the true reason for Christmas tonight when I heard one of my fav Christmas songs of all times. "Mary Did you know" by Mark Lowry and Buddy Green. It is a simple truth that should give us hope for this next coming year. It should shine light on our dark paths, and remind us that It started with a little baby in a feeding trough but didn't end there His life went on and did some great things and ended here on earth on a wooden cross for US! If you have never listened to the words of this song please do... Take it in... Take a minute to forget about the Christmas tree, Santa, the gifts, the shopping, even all the rude people driving on the roads in a rush to get to nowhere. all those things that we call Christmas today and think about what it really is about. Wouldn't be cool to see a church tell the whole story of Christmas?!?!
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!