Okay so today is weigh in day. I lost 2 pounds. I have to do it a few times as I was not sure if it was a gain or lost of 2. and after plugging it in it is a lost! YAY!!! This weekend was nice we spent a lot of time cleaning as my grandparents are coming in for the week. I will be so glad when we get into our house now more having to deal with people in and out all the time. I think it will be nice to get back to our own lives. The house is coming along, we hope to get our check here soon so we can get all the things we need to get done before moving in. I hope and pray it comes soon. Out main goal is to be moved in before the 4th of July. Mothers day was nice. We got to take a little bit of a brake to spend with some friends at a cook out. It was reall nice. Emily got to have someone to play with and got to play outside in the water. Talk about water it have rain some this weekend and this morning I woke up to more storms. I hope this is not the start of the week we are going to have. I hope to work some on the road putting in a pipe to let the water run off in. That should help keep the water down when it rains on the low spot of our driveway. I hope to be getting a backhoe in the next few weeks or not days to help work on all this. With all the rain and storms it will keep me back on my work. Oh well lets hope for the best!
In His Grip,