We have had some really bad storms over the past few days I pray that they will soon leave and begone. Due to all the storms and rain it is slowing things down on the tree cutting project. The tree trucks keep getting stuck going up the hill to where you have to turn to get out our main gate. We are going to have to something about rain and the mud when we move in. maybe put some rock in or something. (whatever is cheapest) Oh okay I must but everything aside and post a stay-at-home daddy post. I HATE Parent's Choice Diapers. We had to get some last week due to us being out of them and they are cheaper them the ones we get at Sam's Club. I get Emily up to fine her diaper fell off in the middle of the night and she has a mess in the bed and it is soaking wet. We will not buy them again. and Warning to all parents out there stay away!!! :) okay I am done. Well Maybe the sun will come out here and dry things up. Lord knows we need! Time to go clean house and get thing ready for Debbie to come home.
In His Grip,