Debbie has gone to a training/class she has to be at for her work this week and you guessed it that leave me and Emily alone. I dropped her off last night with one of her co-walkers to drive up to NC for the week. Now that she is gone I feel lost and don't know how I am going to make it this week without her. I think Emily was okay with it until tonight when it was the time Debbie comes home from work and she was not there to wake Emily up from her last nap. I think tonight she wanted her mommy. But she went sleep and all is well for now. The tree guys came by today to check on the land and the trees and to get things in line. I am hoping they will get started here in the next few days. in the morning would be great!!! :) But I fear when they get done it is really going to look bad. Lets hope and pray for the best. Oh well I am sure I will have more this week about our not having mommy around and how we are handling it. Oh so did I tell you about the bad storm that happen here over Easter. We where out of town but it was really bad. the gas station down the street is gone and a few homes have been blown away. But not much happened here. I think it maybe got some of the roof as we are leaking some water on the sun room. My Dad is coming to fix it and maybe get the new sun room down this week while he is here. But anyway with the homes and tress it took it also took the Verizon Wireless tower. so we are using the AT&T one and our Internet is really bad. I had to call Verizon support and they said they are working on it. It will take come time to get a new one up and running. I hope when that happens we will have better Internet here. If not we may have to drake down and get WildBlue or Hughesnet. I hope not!! Oh well It's Heroes time and Debbie and I are going to watch it together. (She in NC and me here)
In His Grip,
In His Grip,