Okay Well As the weekend move along Debbie got the idea to go to Savannah, GA in the morning for a day trip, It has been a while from the last time Debbie and I just got to get away from the world and spend time with each other. It is so needed as I feel at times we just are not on the same page. I think it will be good for is both. Debbie for one has not been to Savannah, GA and two Emily has not been to the beach yet. Our plans so far or as followed: start out with a Riverboat tour down the Savannah river and then off to the market for some looking around and checking things out. Then off to a nice seafood resturant on the beach for dinner. and Then is everything works out back home for a nice night back on the farm. I pray all goes well and it is a enjoyable time.
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!