Debbie went off to her work meeting in NC on Saturday while Emily and I stayed at Bella's this weekend in Lexington, SC. My Brother and his wife had their new little baby boy this weekend too so we got to go see them on Friday night. Sunday was a nice days as we went to go see other family in town and spend a nice few hours there before we had to head back home so Debbie could get up early this morning to be at some meeting she had to be at. While in SC this weekend we stop by Sam's Club to pick up a gift for my brother and sis-in-law and went looking through there list of Xbox 360 games they had. Debbie pointed one out that she has seen before (Assassin's Creed) in other stores and wanted to saw it too me. After looking at it I know it could be a good buy. But once I found the price tag I found my self in a lost. In the gaming world Good games = High price tag. This one was priced at $57.95. I didn't have that kinda of money to be putting to a game so I turned the not so good deal down. On the way home we stoped by GameStop store just to see what they price the game as a little used. Can we say BIG DISCOUNT! I walked out of the store with the Assassin's Creed game for only $17.32. :) Boy I felt good. So far the game is not that bad I am still stuck in a few areas but overall it seems to be a fun game.
In His Grip,