Can we say WINDY. Waking us up this morning the wind was so loud. It still is windy out but no rain or storms at this this point anyway. Emily is up and happy as she can be today. I have let her play a little in her high chair after lunch. I think she likes sitting up high so she can see everything. I think she has trowen everything on the floor and she seeems to enjoy hearing the wind. It sounds like she is trying to sing or talk with the wind. I have been enjoyig my bike trainer I again today got to spend a little time on it. Not as long today due to I am cooking tonight. hummm... I am not sure what I am going to make. I think my butter chicken with a spankapita syle "thing". Who knows I will have to think about it. Oh well I am sure I well think of something. Okay onver the Christmas holiday my grandfather ordered more channels on the TV and I have been stuck on Food and Bravo. They have a show "Top Chef" and I can't stop watching it. I was hoping it was only going to be a one hour thing but as I can now see it will be an all day showwing. Blah!! I mustn't!!!!