While on a walk with the kids this morning I stopped and took a few shots along the way. It was nice to get out of the house for a few to enjoy the morning air while it is not that hot yet. The news this morning said it would get up to 98 by noon today. It is just the start of the summer and it is so hot. I have a feeling it is going to be a HOT summer and Swiming will be the big hit for the kids and even myself. Today should be a claming day (I hope atleast) our "God-Parents/Grandparents will be coming over this evening for dinner and maying a "show". What I mean by "show" is that they always bring the kids something to look at be it, Bugs, History items, Swords, Pictures,
Books, what ever neat thing that have at their house. I not sure yet what I am going to cook at this point. I am thinking of grills for Dinner and something lite for lunch. With only 4 kids it's not so bad. We do however have to go shopping on Mon or Tues and that I am not sure how is going to happening with just me around here and Tuesday morning Debbie and I have to go back to the OB. Speaking of OB, Debbie's BP was okay this morning and she seems to be feeling better. She keeps getting up more today and I keep sending her back to bed. I think now she feels better she thinks she can get up and move more. But as long as I am here she will not win the bedrest war! I WILL WIN!! Ha... :) Doctors Orders...

"Thought of the Day"
Lamentations 3:19-24
I remember my affliction and my wandering,the bitterness and the gall.I well remember them,and my soul is downcast within me.Yet this I call to mindand therefore I have hope:Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;therefore I will wait for him."
In His Grip,