So far today has not been that bad. three of our kids went home for the weekend leaving only 4 that I have to watch. Today has been a little slower but for the most part be okey. It is movie night for the kids so I get to get a little free time to my self and to keep check on Debbie. I so need some time to rest as i didn't get alot of sleep last night and my body is not as rested as it needs to be. Speaking of Debbie, She has been having a bad day with High BP. We called the doctor a few times today but our OB is off this weekend leaving some new guy we have never met before. My prayer is that Debbie can wait untill aleast Monday untill she has to go in or call back so we can see our OB and not someone we don't even know. Keep Her in your prayers as she rest over the next few days or so. Other then that things are claming down as the night goes on. Kids watch the movie, I am getting a sec to blog a bit, and the house for the most part is still somewhat standing after 2 days of just meing running it and it's even clean. I did take some time to stop and take a picture or two today with my new camera.

So far I have really enjoyed it. However I orderd a 2gb SD Card to go with it but it still have not come in. It has been over a week now and nothing. I emailed the Company and asked them where it is and why it is taking so long. I have not heard back from them yet. I did however find a good deal on a 4gb Card I orded today on ebay. It was sent same day and I am told it will be here next week. If I get it before the one I order a week ago I am going to be really mad. Oh well time for kidos to get in bed. Till next time.
(the two moon pictures are from tonight, I took them while standing outside)
In His Grip,