It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Check out Emily's One-Week Pictures at:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Picture Day!!

Today we had a little fun taking pictures on campus to put in our little house update newsletter.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Musings of a Professional "Dad" Edition

I think I am getting the hang of being SuperDad! I got the house cleaned, girls in the bath, kids doing craft time, blog, update paper work, check mail, take a few things to the relief house, fill my daily water jug and it is only 9:30. I am doing good. we did eat a little late due to me learning how to make meatballs for the kids tonight. I am beat and about to fall in the floor but I DID IT!!! Today Debbie and I went back to Doctor to get more news. So far the news we got was not too go. Debbie is sick and getting sicker but we can't have the baby just yet. We need to wait just a few more days to let her body get more ready go have Baby. I am so ready to get on with it. I think the last week or so will be the longest yet. We also were told today that we get to have time off next week until the baby goes and then two weeks after that and more time if needed after the baby comes. I am so glad we get off or can I say (I get off) I am not sure what I am going to do after the 1st two days of sleeping. I am going to have to find things to do for a week until baby comes. Oh well short blog tonight but I still have time to rest, get a drink (just water these days) and spend time with Debbie before Bed!

In His Grip,

SuperDAD :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Musings of a Professional "Dad" Edition

While getting snack ready for the kids to eat after nap today I came across a new kind of "little people", "Block People". One of our 3 year old boys likes to play in the playroom while everyone else is outside. He seems to want to be next to me all the time. He is a Type A person and a lot like myself. He is known as "Little J" because people say he looks a lot like me. He follows me around the house and has to stop at everything to tell me about it. When I went into the playroom to put out snack I found theses little people cars but in place of the people were blocks. Now maybe it was just me but I think it was really neat and smart of him. I have seen over the past few weeks he has been with us some really smart things he has done. Sadly little "J" will be leaving us in the morning to go back to mom and dad.
In other news the house is still standing and I even got some time to do some lite cleaning. After nap and snack today we had craft time for the kids who where not grounded. We made summer hats for them to wear while they are outside playing. I think for the most part they had fun and really enjoyed it. The best part of the day for me was that I didn't have to cook tonight. Someone brought me a meal to feed to the kids. She even added a nice cake kinda thing. I am not sure what the name of it is but I took it added a few things to it to make it look first class! Thanks Mrs. Rona for a great meal. Debbie seems to be doing ok. she still get out of bed when I am not looking and I have had to call her down a few times. I think now that she is on meds and when she does feel better she thinks she can get up and be her old self. We do go in to the doctors in the morning and get the info on all the tests Debbie took this past week and hope for the best. At this point I don't know what to hope for. In some ways I just want this to happen fast and soon so baby can come, Debbie can feel better and life can go on. I can feel my body getting slower and tired more and more as the days go on. I am starting to feel like the world is moving all around and I am not moving with it but just standing in place. I guess it's all up to the Lord and all things happen in His timing not my own. So I will wait....

In His grip,


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Musings of a Professional "Dad" Edition

One would think that Sleep would be the highlight of my day due to the fact that one man is running a house of 8 children all under the age of 8. But as I have been slowly learning sleep for me is just something else to do in my busy day. I have woke up for the past two days before 7:30am. If you know me I am not a morning person and I have been Coffee free for over a year. Until now as it is my new love again. No creamer or milk, I will take it black as black as it comes. At times I have to remind myself that it is summer and it's ok to sleep a little bit longer. Anyway for the most part I am still here alive or partly alive after running this ship and evening adding a new child in the last day. She is a handful and learning slowly how we do things around here. While unpacking her stuff I seem to have lost her box of Barbies and Make-up. :) Debbie however has been doing ok still on bedrest but seems to sneck out of bed when I am not a wake or not looking. I think she is getting bored with this whole thing. The good news is that we won't have wait too long to have baby. Depending on the test we get back this week, if they are not good then we will have baby this weekend. It they are ok then the Doctor says we may have baby next week. I think the test will come back ok as all the other test Debbie has taken has always come back fine. In some ways I am ready to get it over with and have baby as soon as we can. But again I want Debbie's body to be ready for it. Anyway my coffee is getting low and it's time to wake the Zoo.

In His Grip,

The Zoo Keeper

"Thought of the Day"

Psalm 37:23
"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Musings of a Professional "Dad" Edition

While on a walk with the kids this morning I stopped and took a few shots along the way. It was nice to get out of the house for a few to enjoy the morning air while it is not that hot yet. The news this morning said it would get up to 98 by noon today. It is just the start of the summer and it is so hot. I have a feeling it is going to be a HOT summer and Swiming will be the big hit for the kids and even myself. Today should be a claming day (I hope atleast) our "God-Parents/Grandparents will be coming over this evening for dinner and maying a "show". What I mean by "show" is that they always bring the kids something to look at be it, Bugs, History items, Swords, Pictures, Books, what ever neat thing that have at their house. I not sure yet what I am going to cook at this point. I am thinking of grills for Dinner and something lite for lunch. With only 4 kids it's not so bad. We do however have to go shopping on Mon or Tues and that I am not sure how is going to happening with just me around here and Tuesday morning Debbie and I have to go back to the OB. Speaking of OB, Debbie's BP was okay this morning and she seems to be feeling better. She keeps getting up more today and I keep sending her back to bed. I think now she feels better she thinks she can get up and move more. But as long as I am here she will not win the bedrest war! I WILL WIN!! Ha... :) Doctors Orders...
"Thought of the Day"

Lamentations 3:19-24
I remember my affliction and my wandering,the bitterness and the gall.I well remember them,and my soul is downcast within me.Yet this I call to mindand therefore I have hope:Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;therefore I will wait for him."
In His Grip,

Friday, June 6, 2008

Musings of a Professional "Dad" Edition

So far today has not been that bad. three of our kids went home for the weekend leaving only 4 that I have to watch. Today has been a little slower but for the most part be okey. It is movie night for the kids so I get to get a little free time to my self and to keep check on Debbie. I so need some time to rest as i didn't get alot of sleep last night and my body is not as rested as it needs to be. Speaking of Debbie, She has been having a bad day with High BP. We called the doctor a few times today but our OB is off this weekend leaving some new guy we have never met before. My prayer is that Debbie can wait untill aleast Monday untill she has to go in or call back so we can see our OB and not someone we don't even know. Keep Her in your prayers as she rest over the next few days or so. Other then that things are claming down as the night goes on. Kids watch the movie, I am getting a sec to blog a bit, and the house for the most part is still somewhat standing after 2 days of just meing running it and it's even clean. I did take some time to stop and take a picture or two today with my new camera. So far I have really enjoyed it. However I orderd a 2gb SD Card to go with it but it still have not come in. It has been over a week now and nothing. I emailed the Company and asked them where it is and why it is taking so long. I have not heard back from them yet. I did however find a good deal on a 4gb Card I orded today on ebay. It was sent same day and I am told it will be here next week. If I get it before the one I order a week ago I am going to be really mad. Oh well time for kidos to get in bed. Till next time.
(the two moon pictures are from tonight, I took them while standing outside)

In His Grip,


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Musings of a Professional "Dad" Edition

So due to high BP Debbie has been put on bedrest again and this time it is longer. Maybe even till birth this time. We will go back in to the OB next Tuesday to get updates and a check up. This leaving me a house full of 7 kids one dog and two cats, adding a wife who must stay in bed at all cost. This is going to be fun! :~(

~Day One!~
*Get up about about 8:30am (THIS IS SUMMER! CAN"T WE SLEP...)
*Get all kids up, feed change the little ones.
*Get them out the door to the yard. while start Cleaning house.
*Do emails, calls and paper stuff that needs to be done for the day
*Have kids come in yelling and crying wanting water
*Get kids water
*Feed and give water to the Dog
*Getting ready for a end of year school meeting with a teacher.
*Get a call about a DSS working wanting to come by and see a child.
*Get back to cleaning and planning for meeting.
*Phone Rings....
*Kids come in yelling and crying again for water.
*Get kids water
*DSS lady gets here to see one of the girls
*Kids come in yelling and crying about someone hit someone.
*Dee shows up for teacher meeting.
*Phone Rings....
*Teacher comes for meeting with Dee and I
*Two Teachers show up not just the one.
*Kids come in yelling and crying again for more water.
*Get kids water
*DSS lady wants to talk before she leaves.
*Teachers are ready to start meeting.
*Kids Come in yelling the Teachers are here. (Meeting had started at this point)
*DSS lady says her good byes.
*Meeting goes on...
*Kids come in yelling someone hit someone else this time.
*Meeting goes on...
*Phone Rings...
*Meeting goes on....
*Phone Rings...
*Kids Come in yelling for some more water.
*Get kids water
*Meeting ends!
*Time to cook for lunch..
*Phone Rings....
*Kids come in yelling that is hot outside. (while I am on the Phone)
*Lunch is on the stove....
*Feed cats.
*Kids come in yelling for some more water.
*Get kids water
*Lunch is ready.
*Kids eat.
*Kids go to the bathroom.
*Down for naps....
*Update the blog.
*Then off to cleaning again....
*Then think about snacks for the kids when they get up...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some pictures I take using my new toy!

Here are some pictures I have been playing around with my new camera. I am wowed by the pictures it takes. The zoom is great. The middle picture is a bug the kids found today in the yard. I got so much detail in taking a picture of it. I got a little buzzed when i had to resize it to put it on my blog. I also got a great picture of the kids swinging on the play set. I have tryed taking this picture before with other cameras I have had but none get this clear. Over the next few days I am going to play around with things and see what I can come up with. So far so good!