turn. "Go left, right, right again and stay forward into the life God has for you." Sadly I am not sure life is every that simple and easy. Even in the pain of God shutting doors I find it helps in picking the right door when others close making the light on your path more clear. But what happens when God allows more then one door to stay open. Then the choice that can be hard to take. Not knowing if your walking into the right door or not. Not knowing whats on the other side. But at some point we know if we don't take that first step we will be standing in the same place going nowhere in life. Sometimes I am given the picture of my son who when sometimes told to go inside or to go somewhere he will just stop and stand there thinking. "Do I go do it or do I choose to stay." I think we start to find our safety in staying in one place as there is so much unknown by picking a way or door to go through. Sometimes I don't think God really cares if we make this choice or that one. I think He wants to see if we have the Faith to just stand up and move. I once was told that if God allows more then one door or path to come open He will bless you in whatever path you choose to take as long as it's for His Glory. I have to think that statement is true... So as I take this time to think, pray and wonder, The time counts down, life goes by and my heart stays incomplete until I stand and take a step. The sad part is I really know know where I am going, what will happen or even what way I am going to go. All I know is I have to stand and just walk.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."-Proverbs 3:5-6
In His Grip,
In His Grip,