ame across it today and started thinking. One of the biggest that hit me as it does many times before, but a good reminder. Is in life things sometimes look so clear and so beautiful things as times seem so detailed and simple to us. Other times the same picture in life seems just a blur and in defined. We don't really know whats going on or what going to happen. It seems at times life is so big and we really can grap hold of what Gods plan is for us.

We forget in all this the view of life we can see is only a snap shot of what the whole picture of God is. Even in the times of hurt we all face from time to time we focus on the little part of God great big story. It's easy to say Stand firm and hold Fast when all things are going well in life but in those times life hurts the most is the key to standing and knowing there is HOPE. Let this be a reminder to you today to keep your eyes on Chirst. As you can see in these pictures sometimes we only see just a part of God's story. We can see what seems to be a old mossy old wood with a old nail in it or we can step back and see much more. Sometimes in life God only allows us to just see the little times before revealing His Greatness. There is HOPE and that Hope come in the cross!
In His Grip,
-Pastor J