So today turned out to be full of games but over all it was a great day! after the rain last night it turned out to be a nice windy and sunny day! I took one of my leaders off to go play 18 holes of Disc Golf. I lost by only one down however my leader played very good as the 1st time he has ever played. I didn't do so bad with not playing in over 5 years. I still have my game and know how to trow, "Got to Go Got to Trow". We have cell group tonight however with it being a thursday night there was a fwe other things going on around town that most of our group went to. But we did have a good smaller group show so instead of jumping into the "Farm House" study we played settlers of catan. The best game ever! Come on you know it is. :) The to end the night we watched NFL and the Broncos kill the Jets. To be honest this was teh 1st time I have watched the Broncos and I enjoyed the game okey however I hate that they talk and talk and talk so much... I wanted to be like COME ON SHUT UP and let us watch the game! I do like and enjoy College Football games more. Oh well off to bed I go! God is good!
In His Grip,
Pastor J