It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

~Rio de Janeiro~

Today we stop and pray for Rio De Janeiro. Rio De Janeiro is a city in Brazil.
Debbie and I have some good friends ministering in Brazil.
Over 60% of people in Rio De Janeiro are Catholic.
In His Grip,
-Pastor J

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today we stop to pray for Tokyo!
In tokyo there are alot of Muslims however in all the of the lands the cities are some of the fastest growing home and undergrand churches ever.

Monday, November 28, 2011

~Week of Prayer~

So this week we come to a week of prayer! so each day I am going to say a place and may we take time to stop and prayer for those people as well as may Christ me found in the hearts of the people of the lands! However I think today I am going to start with our own lands of the USA. I think Christ is needed more then anything of the people of this land. Did you know that churches are growing faster and more over seas then the nation of that was founded on Christ. It very said however lets take today and pray for our people!
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we
will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart
of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their
." - Psalm 46:1-3
In His Grip,
-Pastor J

Thursday, November 24, 2011


"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
-Psalm 107:1
Happy Thanksgiving!!
-Pastor J

Saturday, November 19, 2011

~The Green Horse is Sick~

So for the 1st time I have had the Horse (my truck) break down on me... I have had it for two years this Jan 2012. I was out of town at the 1st of this week and didn't drive it anywhere and Wednesday I drove fine. I didn't use it Thursday as someone else picked me up and took me out however we got in it to head to the church fellowship today and I didn't get far. It sounds like something is way off with the fuel system at least that is what it sounds like. But again I am a city boy and no nothing about a car or truck but where to put gas in it and how to take it to the fix it shop! LoL I hate when we only have one car but it really sucks when we are down to nothing.... BLAH! My baby is sick and needs to get better. The goal is to take it in on Monday as everywhere is closed over the weekend and praying it does not cost alot as we are poor people and just don't have money to put into it. Oh when it rains is storms! Maybe if I pray hard someone will give me a new car! just kidding LOL that will never happen!
In His Grip,

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Praise God!

Here is a Quote from "Fathered by God" I don't have the book however I think I am going to put it on my list of things to buy!

"Now, for you younger men, don't worry much about this stage, for it will come in due time. When you are young, commit yourself to take as few shortcuts as possible. Learn your lessons. Take note of all that God is teaching you. Submit to the journey. Be a student of the Scriptures. Hang out with the wise, living or dead, for that is how we, too, become wise."
Have a great Weekend!
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Game Day!

So today turned out to be full of games but over all it was a great day! after the rain last night it turned out to be a nice windy and sunny day! I took one of my leaders off to go play 18 holes of Disc Golf. I lost by only one down however my leader played very good as the 1st time he has ever played. I didn't do so bad with not playing in over 5 years. I still have my game and know how to trow, "Got to Go Got to Trow". We have cell group tonight however with it being a thursday night there was a fwe other things going on around town that most of our group went to. But we did have a good smaller group show so instead of jumping into the "Farm House" study we played settlers of catan. The best game ever! Come on you know it is. :) The to end the night we watched NFL and the Broncos kill the Jets. To be honest this was teh 1st time I have watched the Broncos and I enjoyed the game okey however I hate that they talk and talk and talk so much... I wanted to be like COME ON SHUT UP and let us watch the game! I do like and enjoy College Football games more. Oh well off to bed I go! God is good!
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

~Holy are your G_D~

What a night at Diversity Student Ministries! Tonight was the end of our study on Worship and Boy did our God show out! From powerful worship, Live and Streaming, to Worship art I started to seeing the students awake into a passion worship God like no other! Thank you Jesus for your Grace and Love. The night ended to seeing one of our 6th grades come to finding the Love of God and being washed by the Blood of the Lamb! We Rejoice in a life being saved tonight! Praise God.
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Calling all Pastors!

Thats a lot of Pastors and Ministry Staff!
Here are the weeks Highlights to what I leave this meeting with:

In marriage: "Husbands can be Happy or Right"
In chinese: The Word "Amen" is......... "Amen"
Southern Baptist must have learned to voted from the state of FL
"If your fat you can't be a pastor" - GBC Pastor

"Give more to the GBC" - GBC Speakers
Oh I can go on however over all I found out that My God is bigger then any convention or denomination. Praise God!

And last there is nothing Godly about mans politics in a Christian denomination or any church!
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Monday, November 14, 2011

~Southern Baptist~

So with one of the perks of working in GA church now I am able to attend and vote at the GA Southern Baptist State Meetings... So Off we go to a meeting that I have no clue how things will turn out. Not sure if this is anything like other states I have been a part of or not. We will see! Praying for a safe and good trip.

In His Grip,
Pastor J

Sunday, November 6, 2011

~Worship in the Nursery~

Oh how I love the heart of Children and how they worship freely to Love of God. I think many adults could learn alot from them... Even those who are set in thier ways and who live with the mind set "it's all about me". It's great to know that my God is a big God and that All things are in His hands no matter how big or how small. I am thankful for being a parent and for the two gifts God has given. What a great reminder today how God is "This Big".
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Holistc Lifestyle

Over the past few years or so we have lived a holistc lifestyle. From the changes in using fresh foods, homecooking, growing herbs, to even alternative medicines. Over all our heath has been better, and healthier then years past. It's a daily choice on what to eat, what to shop for, and even how active we want to be in our daily lives. However it's more then just food and physical but metal and emotional and spiritaul well-bring. First off besides what you eat and do is where your heart is and asking yourself daily are you living out the standard of Jesus Christ daily. Part of living a holistc lifestyle is also keeping the world around you as simple and stress free as much as we are able. One of the biggest way can keep the stress down is as simple as what we put in our homes, offices, (for teachers - class rooms) and even in our cars. Ever see someones car that is got about 3 feet of trash in the back and no room to get into. I once saw a small car that a older lady had that had so much stuff in side it she couldn't see out the back seat much less even get in the thing. I am always reading newletters, emails, websites, and blogs and the other day I came across this blog and found it to be really good info.

Although I don’t have any linguistic rules to back me up, I feel like it’s not coincidental that the word “home” begins with the same letters as the word “holistic” (not to mention includes the word “om”).Holistic living is being more and more embraced with conscious eating, preventive and alternative medicine, and simplicity. Holistic implies being “whole” or taking into account the “whole” picture – our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Historically, in the West, we have put a priority on physical health; while in the East, there has been a focus on spiritual health. Both are now being embraced and united with a holistic lifestyle. And now our home is coming to the forefront as another component of holistic living. More people are realizing that their home can be a source of healing – a place of essential change. Our home is second to our body as our physical dwelling on Earth. It is so closely related to our mind and body that the two have oftentimes throughout history been used interchangeably in religions, architecture and dream analysis. And this I know is not coincidental. For the last four years, I have gone to people’s homes to help them with energy flow, clutter clearing and even color selecting. And what I’ve discovered is that our home is a mirror of ourselves. And as we make changes to our home, we are making changes to ourselves. The energy patterns within you – physically, mentally and emotionally – are also present within your home. Have you ever had a great massage or bodywork where you left feeling great? And upon returning home, you fell right back into your old patterns – maybe your shoulders started to slump forward again or your breathing returned to being labored. If the energy flow in your home is “off” then the energy flow in your body will be as well. Energy flow in your home can be affected by furniture, accessories, clutter and the quality of energy. Here are a few things to consider in making your home part of your holistic lifestyle.
1. Remove furniture blocks. Do you bump into any furniture? Do you hit corners sticking out? Are there tight places that feel constraining? Too much furniture can be major blocks of energy and very stressful. And if they’re in your house, then those blocks are also in your life.
2. Clear emotional clutter. Clutter is stagnant energy. So if you feel stagnant in any area of your life, then there’s probably clutter lurking somewhere in your life that has taken form. If it’s your love life that’s stagnant, then clear out stuff from past relationships. If it’s your career that’s stagnant, clear out your office. If it’s your body that’s cluttered, then clean out your cupboards, fridge and clothing closet.
3. Inventory your accessories. Like a great outfit, accessories are essential. They can make an outfit. But if overdone, they can ruin an outfit. Such is the case with accessories in your home. Take inventory of the accessories in your home. You should love every one of them. Don’t use accessories to distract. I find that people who use too many accessories with an outfit are subconsciously trying to distract attention away from them personally and to their clothing instead. Don’t let your accessories distract you. Love everything in your home, including yourself.
4. Clear the Junk!. No one likes to sit at a table in the restaurant before it’s been cleared of the dishes left by the people who sat there before. Use fresh paints, clean the junk out and start fresh in any home. So as you become more conscious of your diet, exercise, spirituality and so forth, become conscious of your home as well. As you love your home, you will love yourself and find less stress in your life.

I found this to be right on with how we should set up our house, office and the space around us up. We keep things simple and clean and don't over do it. It is shocking to me when I see someone so stressed out in life and then I go to there house and see ever wall covered with something... anything. and there is just so much "stuff". Some people would think the more stuff you have the richer you are but I have learned over many years that's just not true. I have found the keeping life simple we can keep our eyes on what really matters in life! There is much in his blog of the energy flow in your home. I think what really needs to be pointed out even more is the spiritual side of things. Just as Heaven and Hell are real places so are Angels and Demons. and we should pray and even "give back" to God (a form of Worship) our homes and to purge our home of any demonic attacks of Staten. Perry Stone has a great book out called "Purging Your House" I think is a great read for anyone wanting more info or who just likes to see differant point of views. I must say overall I do feel the writer of this blog has some good points to think about. Have a great rest of the weekend and May the Lord be the light onto your path.
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Thursday, November 3, 2011

~Disc Golf Goal~

I got my Disc Golf Goal up today.. I am very happy with it. I can't wait to get get to be able to use it outside. I hope to be able to use it some with our new cell group that we are starting this month. However with the time change coming it will get darker sooner and might be hard to use till later in the spring. I found there is a golf club in the city that has 18 holes of disc golf so I am making plans to be able to head out there and do some disc golfing within the next few weeks. If the weather works out this week I might head that way this week for a few rounds. For now we have put the DG Goal in the front room and Emily has been trowing her stuff bears into it as if they were the disc. I think when she gets older she is going to want to play disc golf.. Over the past few weeks she has been love coming into my office and playing putt putt with my golf club and prc ball. She is funny however great as she goes and get the balls and returns them for me.. It's great! Well off I go.... HI Ho HI Ho...
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week One of Worship!

What a great night at Diversity! I enjoyed Powerful Worship, A great Word from God and enjoyed meeting with my small group guys tonight. I felt God's warmth all night long. It's great to know that Christ is bigger and more powerful then anything we face! I have alot to be thankful for this week and I am ready to give thanks this month of November. Well Off to bed for morning with the family and a day off to relax and refresh after a long week.
In His Grip,
Pastor J

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

~Words Hurt~

What a very bad day. Today it's best to stay silent and know that MY GOD IS BIGGER! One thing I have learned this week is even the Church can fail. And ONLY His Love is never failing. One of the greatness things in life is We have to answer to noone but the Lord Jesus Christ and only through His blood are we saved. God is a just God and I am thankful for that. Today I did some reading in Matthew. I understand how Peter felt.
“Then Peter came to Jesus. ‘Lord, if my brother keeps on hurting me, how many times should I forgive him?’ he asked. ‘Should I forgive him seven times?’ ‘No, not just seven times, but forgive him seventy times seven times’, Jesus
said.‘Where God rules is like a king. The king wanted to collect all the money that his servants owed him. So he began to do this. Then they brought a man to him who owed him millions of silver coins. The man was not able to pay. So the master ordered them to sell the man, his wife,
his children and all his possessions. The master would receive that money to pay the servant’s debt. Then the servant kneeled in front of the king. “Be patient with me”, he said. “I will pay back everything that I owe you.” And the master pitied him. So he forgave the servant for all that he owed. And he let the servant leave free.That servant went out then. But he found one of the other servants who owed him just a few silver coins. The first servant held the second servant firmly. He began to squeeze the second servant’s neck. “Pay back what you owe me!” he
demanded.The second servant kneeled down in front of him. “Be patient with me and I will pay you back”, he said.But the first servant refused. Instead, he caused the authorities to throw the other servant into prison. And he had to stay there until he could pay back the debt. The rest of
the servants saw what had happened. And they were very upset about it. So they told their master everything that had happened.Then the master called the first servant to come back to him. “You wicked servant”, he said, “I forgave all your debt to me because you asked me to. You should have pitied the other servant, just as I pitied you!” His master was very angry. So he handed the servant over to the prison officers for punishment. He must stay in prison until he paid everything back to his master.You must forgive your brothers. My Father who is in heaven will act like this king towards each of you. So you must forgive them from deep inside yourselves.’”
Matthew 18:21-35
In His Loving Grip,
Pastor J