Debbie and I enjoyed our trip to August this week. It was great to be able to go with her as most of the weeks I have to stay home with the kids or even have to work. We were blessed to have family watch both the kids for the day while we got to spend some time doing interviews and signing some new families. One of the best things about getting to go is we got to get a rental on the company once again this week. Last week I could not go. With the crappy cars we own they don't do very well on the road for long trips anymore and for only $35 we can get new cars to drive for the day. This week we got to get a new HHR silver however while in Augusta we had a computer issue with the tire thing so we traded the car in for another HHR but it was white. I like white car better anyway. I think the kids enjoyed the trip as well and I know they sure enjoyed playing with with other kids for the day. We ended the night at a nice restaurant were we signed on our new HR Manager. I think she will be great for what we need. It will allow me to keep my mind on church stuff while Debbie and her can work together on needed things with the company.
Well it's Friday and you know what that mean... the end of the week and time to clean up my desk so I can start fresh come Monday morning. I have been thinking again (that's never a good thing LOL) I need to redo my office. we have some left over paint and I would love to see it a different color. to be honest there is so much blue in this church I feel like I could ...... Never mind. I will keep that to myself but anyway I would like to redo some things in it and I would love a different desk. maybe L-shape that would take up less room and a better place to put me books is way needed. Maybe I will think of some more ideas later next week. Oh well back to real work
In His Grip,
Pastor J