I waited many years for the Lord to send the one person, the right person I could live a long side with and partner to grow a family together. I can remember the day I felt the joy I had as i waited at the front of the church for my bride to be. As I take some time to remember the great times we had. What a great time to remember the great times we have had and even the times that we grow as one in Christ. Debbie and I where able to get away for about a hour today and went to Burk Perk to get some lunch and Coffee too. It was really good! It was the 1st time we have been to this place, I was not sure at 1st when they opened in Waynesboro if they would make it but after today I can see it going over every well here... As long as they keep the prices where they are. I can see me giving it a review in the coming months. The best part was spending time together without the kids and ordering a plate of fryed pickles.
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!