Well as some of you may know changes are coming... Over the past many months I have been seeking Christ and praying His will be done in my life. Over the past few years God has called me to some new areas of ministry and I have been blessed to be able to Grow in Christ over the last few years. It has had it's ups and downs and at times I have wondered what God is doing. Well in the past few months I have been in search of God next book in my life. From all the places I have been and seen and with all the great things that have happen I feel Christ is starting to open new doors for me or should I say old doors once again back into a full-time church ministry. At this point I am open to what God has in store. I am not sure at this point if that would be planting a new church, Pasturing, Children's Pastor or back to Student Ministry. My passion for students is growing once again however I am also growing a passion for the un churched. I have been blessed to be able to help many churches and ministries heal from broken times as well as see some new ministries start, However I have also seen some churches close their doors. God is still at work in the world and we have been called to Go. So that is what I am to do.. GO! I will be sure to keep people updated over the next few weeks and months. God is doing some great things at the TV Studios and I feel I am making a big network of people. Thanks for everyones support and Prayers!
In His Grip,