Okay so a few weeks ago I told you about a interview I went to at Watchman Broadcasting. Well late last week I got a call from them saying I was not picked for the job. I was okay with that as this was something last minute and I have not really been looking for a job as I am in the start up with my new woodworking company starting in Feb 2011. Well anyway the week went on and I never thought again about it however until this afternoon. I got a call from you guessed it Watchman Broadcasting offering me a job. They stated that the person 1st in line and who they offered the job to said they could not work the hours as needed. So that left me next in line for the opening. After calling them back and talking to them for a while I gladly accepted the offer. With owning my company I am able to set my hours how I see fit and that is was I was told they needed someone who can work anytime of the day on any day. I am not too sure how I feel about being next on their list of people to hire and wonder why I was not the 1st person they called to offer the job to. But In the long run I guess it does not matter. Could be a way of God telling them there 1st choice was a mistake. Anyway so I have the joy of starting training this week for 3 days back to back and if everything goes well I will be given my own shift next week. They are doing a week long live Praise-A-Thon that starts tonight so it should be fun. Part of having my own shift each week I will also be their "on-call" MCO (master control operator) It should work great for me with Debbie only working two days a week, being able to take the kids to work with her and me being able to work whenever I want and need with my new wood shop. So nothing has not changed on that part. Well I will be sure to post updates on how things all work out. God is good!
In His Grip,