This morning I went outside and felt the nice cool air. I think I could even see a leaf turning colors... Okay maybe that's a bit much but the trees will be turning soon if these temps keep up. We had a long 117 days of 90 degrees and above (more like 95 to 100) record. Debbie and I went into a store this afternoon and it even smelled like Thanksgiving. I am so ready to cut pumpkins and bake a turkey.... YAY it's coming soon... maybe I can put up my Christmas tree. I guess I can wait a few more months, but for now I will enjoy this fall air. Debbie came home and made pumpkin bread and boy where they good. I fell in love!! Now I have to stop eating it or I am going to gain 100 pounds. In other news Gods is good as He always is. We always say things happen in His timing and boy is that ever true even I would have to say he showed up on the last day of the month... However I guess all that matters is He DID show up! With meetings done last night and one this morning and one on the books for next week, one sale made and 3 more we are in hopes and prayer for, This weekend and week has turned out to be great. Now with Baby Rogers #2 growing and Emily learning more words each day and works is starting to look like it might fly life is getting better... Even in the mist of the storm. But we can see a peck of hope and light. In other news. The cows are out and the dogs are at home on the Farm.... LOL I will have to tell the stories of the dogs and cows are a later time. But now is the time to spend with the family and a movie.
In His Grip,