It takes a Free man to set a man Free!

Friday, December 31, 2010
Old Stuff!

Thursday, December 30, 2010
~Many Posts~

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Books Books Books.....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
New Beginnings Update!

Monday, December 20, 2010
~Monday Blues~
So after a long weekend I woke up with a bad cold and it seems as the day moves on my head feels like it is going to pop or one might even say blow up! I had to go into town today to get the dogs check up after having her leg removed and it seems that she is doing great at least that is what the vet says. Debbie asked me to stop by the store and find some cookie cutters so after going to 2stores I was unable to find any so after getting gas at wal-mart I stopped in to check to see what they had and sure thing I found the one place that had something... However Debbie stated I went a bit overboard. I came home with a box of 101 cookie cutters, But hey it was a great price at only $10 and who knows maybe one day we will use all 101 cutters. So that was the highlight of my day for the most part. Oh I have to add while we where in Columbia, SC for the weekend we had the kids pictures. We got a few good ones and one we will be sending out to a few family members.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas....

Who knows maybe we will get lucky and have a white Christmas for once, but I won't count on it. There has been a few people in the area who has made snow. So I guess I could do that for Christmas this year for the kids but that is just too much work. Beside why would I want to go outside when I am warm.
Congrats to Patrick House for becoming our season 10's Biggest Loser! Everyone did a great job this year. Just wait for the new season 11, there is a lot of changes coming some I am not too happy about but It will all work out in the end I am sure. Like Bob says "This isn't about wining a game, it's about fixing what's broken". Some may or may not know by now but there will be two new trainers, who do you think they are? You may shocked to know that one of the trainers many people may know from one of the top fitness programs on the market today. Here is a hint: he is sure to work your Abs! Give up yet? Guess you will just have to wait... LOL Oh and I can't forget Jillian Michaels is leaving the biggest loser at the end of this next season but I have been told it won't be the last of her, she has a few new projects she is going to be working on and plus she wants to have more family time, She currently is looking at adopting a child.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Religious symbolism of The Twelve Days of Christmas
Monday, December 13, 2010
~Monday Morning Coffee~

Okay so it's not morning but hey at least I am able to a post done. I did have my coffee this morning and enjoyed every sip. I was able to sleep in this morning after a busy cold weekend. Emily had her Christmas play and was a very good sheep. She looked a little like a bunny but who knows maybe there was a bunny or two somewhere back then... LoL I was able to get a lot done today at least I think it was a lot. I cleaned bedrooms, kitchen, dishes, floors, den, and moved my office again for like the um some time. With it being cold out and it does not seem like it is going to get any better anytime soon I had to move my office inside the house again as it is just way too cold in the sun room. So everything is up and running and I really enjoyed listen to my podcast of Dave Ramsey. He said some really good stuff about small business, work, and finding your passion etc. So I guess my over all goals for today where made as the house is clean and I am ready for work this week. Oh Plus I made some good sweet tea. to most this may not be something that is that big of deal but in our house we only get to make it once a month or so... Big difference from growing up in a home that even if we had nothing else in the house to eat or drink we always had sweet tea. But don't worry I can't say I am that sadden to not have it all the time now as it is a great way for me to drink water. Oh well in other news.. oh speaking about news I am learning we live in a crappy town... sorry to those who like it but it has become every time I turn on the new the 1st thing is this person killed this person, or some new murder tonight. this place is up to like 35 something murders. oh and on tonight's news it was about a dad setting his child on fire... and someone else got ran over while walking on the street this week... What kind of city is this. Well in better news Debbie and Emily are now home so off to spend some time with them!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Winter is here!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
One Onion, Two Onion or Just a Bag!

For years I have been a fan of Onions. From as long as I can remember and even my family members I have eating Onions like apples. To this day I still have to get a bite of an onion when I am cutting it for Debbie for dinner. Some say I am just crazy but not only are they good (At least I think) they also can benefit you in a few ways. They not only block cancer dramatically as some people may know, they also lower cholesterol, thin the blood and warn off blood clots but they also fight chronic bronchitis, infections, hay fever and asthma. Eating just 1/2 a raw onion daily raised HDLs (good cholesterol lipoproteins) by 30 percent in a recent study. It is also known that onions calms animals down (or Emily) LoL!! An owner of a large group of old world primates said that she relies on onions to keep her primates healthy during the winter. Especially when primates have been exposed to viruses or when your monkey is in a lot of stress, onions can be the solutions. So that must mean I need to buy a monkey... oh wait I have Emily. And Yep only when she was a few months old at the time she was able to eat solid things I feed her small bits of onion and like her daddy she loved them. To this day and even tonight speaking on the topic I give her a bite when we are cooking with them. The biggest thing I have found is it keeps bugs away from you. (Ever hear about the Tick story when I was young) I will have to save that for another day. So Anyway Yeah I find eating onions can be good for you.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Are you ready?

You may know, you may not know but it is coming all to an end! Who do you think will be the biggest loser? Everyone is a winner when it comes to making a change for the better. It's all about taking that 1st step! Great job everyone and can't wait to see next season... I am told there is a few new ideas they will be trying out. Guess we will have to wait and see. As the Holidays as

Monday, December 6, 2010
Changes all around!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Cool Facts about the Amish!
Practices of the Old Order Amish:
Practices shared by most of the Old Order Amish, the largest Amish group, are listed below. Some smaller Amish groups have adopted practices which are either more progressive or more restrictive.
- Language: Members usually speak a German dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch). High German is used during worship. They learn English at school.
- Education: Schools are one-room buildings run by the Amish. Formal education beyond Grade 8 is discouraged, although many youth are given further instruction in their homes after graduation.
- Appearance: Men follow the laws of the Hebrew Scriptures with regards to beards. They do not grow mustaches, because of the long association of mustaches with the military.
- Clothing: Men usually dress in a plain, dark colored suit. Women usually wear a plain colored dress with long sleeves, bonnet and apron. Women wear a white prayer covering if married; black if single. Brides' gowns are often blue or purple.
- Modern conveniences:
- Vehicles: With very few exceptions, Old Order Amish congregations do not allow the owning or use of automobiles or farm tractors. However, they will ride in cars when needed.
- Electrical devices: They do not use electricity, or have radios, TV sets, personal computers, computer games, etc.
- Telephones: In-home telephones are not normally allowed. Some families have a phone remote from the house.
- Government programs: Most Amish groups do not collect Social Security/Canada Pension Plan benefits, unemployment insurance or welfare. They maintain mutual aid funds for members who need help with medical costs, dental bills, etc.
- Photography: They do not take photographs or allow themselves to be photographed. To do so would be evidence of vanity and pride. Also, it might violate the prohibition in Exodus 20:4, the second of the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that...is in the earth..."
- Marriage: Marriages outside the faith are not allowed. Couples who plan to marry are "published" in late October. They are married in one of their homes during November or early December.
- Days of Celebration: They celebrate the traditional Christian holy days. They also observe a Fast Day on October 11.
- Religious services: These are held biweekly on alternate Sundays. One the "in-between" Sundays, members often attend another congregation's service, or visit friends or family. Services consist of singing, two prayers, Bible reading, a short opening sermon, and a main sermon. Each baptized male then offers a comment on the biblical correctness of the sermons.
- Communion services: These are held twice yearly, in the spring and fall. Before the service, a council meeting is held in which the attendees resolve any disagreements that they have with each other. They also discuss matters regarding proper lifestyle and conduct.
- Meeting places: Services are usually held in the homes of members. As a rule, they do not build meeting houses or churches. One source speculates that this practice may have been done "...out of frugality, perhaps out of necessity, or perhaps to emphasize that people (and not the building were really the church..." 4
- Funerals: These are conducted in the home without a eulogy, flower decorations, or other display. The casket is plain, without adornment. At death, a woman is usually buried in her bridal dress. A simple tombstone is erected after burial.
- Rumspringa: Some Amish groups practice a tradition called rumspringa ("running around"). Teens aged 16 and older are allowed some freedom in behavior. It is a interval of a few years while they remain living at home, yet are somewhat released from the intense supervision of their parents. Since they have not yet been baptized, they have not committed to follow the extremely strict behavioral restrictions and community rules imposed by the religion. Depending upon the behavioral rules of their particular community, they may be allowed to date, go out with their friends, visit the outside world, go to parties, drink alcoholic beverages, wear jeans, etc. The intent of rumspringa is to make certain that youth are giving their informed consent if they decide to be baptized. About 80% to 90% decide to remain Amish
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Busy Saturday!!!

Yeah so today is going to be busy...
Friday, December 3, 2010
~Ethan's Psalm~
Thursday, December 2, 2010
~~Happy Birthday Bella~~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
~New Beginnings~

Just some updates on how things are going. Baby Ethan is doing well! Emily is still enjoying her little brother and doing very well with a little one around. She loves to compare her baby dolls with him and feed them while mommy feeds Ethan. Debbie's mom and dad came to spend a little bit of time with us this past weekend and week. It was a big joy to have then around. Besides spending some great time with the kids and the fellowship we also got a lot done on our house. I would have to say about 75% of the work that needed to get done got done. It's nice to have someone who know what they are doing and can do it right the 1st time. Shame we didn't hire the right people. If there is ever a next time we will use different people. Debbie is back to work watching to boys and I am trying to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I am trying to read all my 100 of emails and interview a few new nannies as well as review some new families we have over the past two week while we where closed. Oh did I state that we have the Christmas tree and all our stuff up. It's not a lot this year but again when your in a small house as we are this year a little is a lot. My goal was to do a little out side this year and start to build a nice display however I am not sure if I am going to make that goal but again this is only the 1st of the month.... maybe it will get done. The over all goal is the have my light display show along with music. Maybe one year!! While working with Debbie's dad this week on our house I got to find all my tools again and so miss my wood shop I had a few years back. If I had the wood I would build one but again that will have to wait for now. But I was glad to get some time to find all my tools an stuff and find I had a lot of stuff. I would like be able to get everything in order again. Well I guess that is about it for now... I know I am poor at blogging and keeping everyone updated on "life in the woods" I will try to do better!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
~Welcome to our World~

Well if you didn't know by now and I am not sure how one could not know but our son was born Monday Nov, 22 2010 at 1:55pm in the after noon. After months of waiting Debbie and I are over joyed with the birth of our son. Ethan Raymond Matthew Rogers was born at 9 pounds 11 oz. and 23 inches long, he was not a little guy! Given both prize for biggest in Debbie's family and biggest baby for the week at the hospital. After around 7 hours of labor and 48 hours in the hospital we are home at last. Now for must needed rest for mommy and daddy!!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Christmas Decorating Services Now Offered!

Too Busy working 40 hours a week? Lost in Christmas lights? Needing Help? Or Just Don't know where to start?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
(A post from my Xanga Page Dated: September 26, 2005)
There are many reasons why God would not want you, but don't worry. You're in good company!
- Moses stuttered.
-- David's armor didn't fit.
--- John Mark was rejected by Paul.
---- Hosea's wife was a prostitute.
----- Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
------ Jacob was a liar.
------- David had an affair.
-------- Solomon was too rich.
--------- Abraham was too old.
---------- David was too young.
----------- Timothy had ulcers.
------------ Peter was afraid of death.
------------- Lazarus was dead.
-------------- John was self-righteous.
--------------- Jesus was too poor.
-------------- Naomi was a widow.
------------- Paul was a murderer. So was Moses.
------------ Jonah ran from God.
----------- Miriam was a gossip.
---------- Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
--------- Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.
-------- Elijah was burned out.
------- John the Baptist was a loudmouth.
------ Martha was a worrywart.
----- Mary was lazy.
---- Samson had long hair.
--- Noah got drunk.
-- Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse?
- So did Peter, Paul--well, lots of folks did.
But God doesn't require a job interview. He doesn't hire and fire like most bosses, because He's more our Dad than our boss. He doesn't look at financial gain or loss. He's neither prejudiced nor partial, judging, grudging, sassy, nor brassy, not deaf to our cry, nor blind to our need.
Satan says, "You're not worthy."
Jesus says, "So what? I AM."
Satan looks back and sees our mistakes. God looks back and sees the Cross.
Sure--there are lots of reasons why God shouldn't want us. But if we are in love with Him, if we hunger for Him more than our next breath, He'll use us in spite of who we are, where we've been, or what we look like.
Let this Bless you this week,
In His Grip,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Too Funny to pass up!

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Fall shows up this morning!

This morning I went outside and felt the nice cool air. I think I could even see a leaf turning colors... Okay maybe that's a bit much but the trees will be turning soon if these temps keep up. We had a long 117 days of 90 degrees and above (more like 95 to 100) record. Debbie and I went into a store this afternoon and it even smelled like Thanksgiving. I am so ready to cut pumpkins and bake a turkey.... YAY it's coming soon... maybe I can put up my Christmas tree. I guess I can wait a few more months, but for now I will enjoy this fall air. Debbie came home and made pumpkin bread and boy where they good. I fell in love!! Now I have to stop eating it or I am going to gain 100 pounds. In other news Gods is good as He always is. We always say things happen in His timing and boy is that ever true even I would have to say he showed up on the last day of the month... However I guess all that matters is He DID show up! With meetings done last night and one this morning and one on the books for next week, one sale made and 3 more we are in hopes and prayer for, This weekend and week has turned out to be great. Now with Baby Rogers #2 growing and Emily learning more words each day and works is starting to look like it might fly life is getting better... Even in the mist of the storm. But we can see a peck of hope and light. In other news. The cows are out and the dogs are at home on the Farm.... LOL I will have to tell the stories of the dogs and cows are a later time. But now is the time to spend with the family and a movie.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Making God convenient?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Going to get a Flu shot This year!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Online Study Coming!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Hobby!
Call me Lego Man!

All done with Legos!