When I was sick growing up my mom always told me that all I needed was a little bit of "Love" and no she didn't mean a kiss or even a hug. She meant some good old Vick's vaporub. It was one thing I never forgot about growing up... Even when I get sick now I still cry out for my "Love". I am not really not that sure if it even does much for me other then smelling really, really good. I know anytime I am sick or about to be sick I can make it with my Vick's! ..........Until a year ago when I met my new "love".....SKINNER'S vaporizing salve. I have to say it is 101% better then Vic ks ever was. Yes stronger in many areas and much better smell it comes out top in all my years of using Vick's. Sadly they don't sell it in stores along with Vick's but you can find it online or sometimes in doctors offices. Why the tell of this new "love" well Emily has gotten better and left Daddy sick as a dog. Luckily Debbie and I are off this weekend so we don't have to watch the girls other then baby Emily. I have once again pulled out my Skinners and have painted myself all over.

Skinners: 7.54% Menthol Crystals, 0.44% Camphor Oil, 1.77% Eucalyptus Oil, 0.87% Methyl Salicylate and 0.67% Fir Needle Oil.
Vick's: 4.8% Camphor, 1.2% Eucalyptus Oil, and 2.6% Menthol
Well From what we can see there not too different or are they?!?!
In His Grip,