Today was a hot one. I mean really hot. It seems that if it is not raining here it is HOT. We got our well in this morning. We went with a BIG tank. I think it is too big but hay it will be great for my garden and greenhouse. I am not really sure why we got that big of a tank but for only $300 it was a good deal. I will take pictures of it later and post it. I need to also take pictures of my road and all the work I have been working on over the past few weeks. I didn't get much done today but at this point I have to wait on the power company to do there stuff on there end before the big day. I turned off all our lights and turn the A/C on high and worked to stay cool. It was hard but after a few hours and the sunsetting it is starting to cool down. I hope in our house it is not as hot as it is in this one but they way the our house will face I think it will be hot about 1/2 a day or more. Great for full sun plants. I guess we just need to add a swimming pool in the back so Emily and I can enjoy the hot days like today.