Okay I know My posting has gotten poor in the past few weeks. Anyway this week we got our tax refund back and I have been under the spell of car shopping. I found a few things that I liked but they sold before I could get the them. After many hours shopping online and off and being really stressed over it all. I made the choice to wait, save over the next few months so I can get something that I really want. I don't really need anything right now as I have been without a car for the past 6 months and have done fine without so far. So what do we do with the money until then. Well save most of it, pay a few bills and buy a few things. Buy what! Well. For Debbie I got her a TomTom GPS for her car. For me I got a Xbox 360 I have been wanting for over the past two years. And yes I got the game both Debbie and I have been waiting for a FABLE II. And for Emily I got her a Vacuum for the house. A much needed Vacuum. She likes to eat things off the floor and with the current vacuum that is here does not work good at all. So for the safety of Emily and everyone else I got a nice vacuum. So time to stop buying and save the rest for oneday a car and for bills to be paid. I can't wait till everything comes in. Oh on a side note I go back the the eye doctor this week to have my eye checked. Over the past week it seems to be burning some during the day when it drys out. I hope that is not a big deal and a easy fix. Oh also this week I got our back deck cleaned up and looking nice. It will last untill the dog or my Dad messes it up again. I will try to update more and do better blogging.
In His Grip,
Today's Verse
"The LORD will fulfill [his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever -- do not abandon the works of your hands."
— Psalm 138:8 (NIV)