Okay so after 3 days straight of rain it has stopped. Emily has been sick and I am not sure yet if she is that better. Who knows it might be just teething. she is starting get fuzzy. Debbie is working late and I am not sure what to do with her. Maybe we will read a book or two. In other news today was pay day and Debbie got pay a little I am told she will get anther check next week. I will be so glad when she start getting checks weekly and we can get out of this hole we are in. We even might get to go out to eat tonight. It has been I while from the last time we have done that. Emily and I go to go on a nice walk today, but we only got to go so far do to the mud all over the place. It was nice getting out of the house and I think Emily enjoyed it too. Even the Cats got to come alone, next time we will take the dog. Emily is starting to yell at me so I must keep it short.
More Later....
It takes a Free man to set a man Free!